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Criticism of Kretschmer's call for special assets

Dresden: Criticism of Kretschmer's call for special federal funds / Photo: Hannes P Albert/dpa
Dresden: Criticism of Kretschmer's call for special federal funds / Photo: Hannes P Albert/dpa

The Saxon head of government sees a huge investment backlog in Germany. He wants to create a so-called special fund to clear it. The FDP suspects what lies behind the word.

The proposal by Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) for a 100 billion special fund from the federal government for investments in the railroads, local authorities and infrastructure has also been met with criticism. Kretschmer is completely ignoring the fact that a special fund would mean new debts and new interest charges, according to Dresden MP Torsten Herbst (FDP). The demand was a clear departure from the solid budgetary policy of the Free State, which Kretschmer's predecessors in the office of Minister President had stood for.

Kretschmer wanted to "compensate for his wrong financial prioritization of transport infrastructure, education and municipal financing in Saxony with new federal debt", Herbst accused the head of government. "This is an oath of disclosure and contradicts the division of tasks between the federal and state governments under the Basic Law. It is also remarkable that Kretschmer has not made a single proposal as to where savings should be made in the federal budget for the interest and repayment of his requested special fund."

Saxon AfD party and parliamentary group leader Jörg Urban also rejected Kretschmer's proposal outright. "Anyone who calls for new debt is not a conservative politician. We must not make policy on the shoulders of our children." There is enough money, he said, it is just being wasted on "misguided ideological policies".

Kretschmer brought up the idea of a special federal fund in an interview with Deutschlandfunk radio. "Of course we need investments, there's no question about that," he said. A special fund could come at the end of a joint reflection on what the problems of the Federal Republic of Germany are. "Once we have found a way out of the crisis, we will need this kind of impetus."

The CDU had rejected special funds for Saxony. The CDU is also against a relaxation of the debt brake, as demanded by the coalition parties SPD and Greens as well as the Left and the Sahra Wagenkecht alliance.

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