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Politician derblecken between nightmare and carnival

Paulaner Managing Director Andreas Steinfatt speaks at the press conference for the 2024 Salvator tasting at Nockherberg / Photo: Angelika Warmuth/dpa
Paulaner Managing Director Andreas Steinfatt speaks at the press conference for the 2024 Salvator tasting at Nockherberg / Photo: Angelika Warmuth/dpa

Nightmares, a kind of purgatory for Hubert Aiwanger, who is expected to clash with Markus Söder once again: The traditional politician derblecken at the strong beer tasting at Munich's Nockherberg next Wednesday (February 28) once again promises palatable entertainment. There will probably be a "duet duel" between the CSU Minister President and his deputy from the Free Voters, announced Stefan Betz from the Singspiel team on Friday.

Traditionally, political celebrities, especially from Bavaria, gather live to watch the Singspiel and listen to cabaret artist Maxi Schafroth read the riot act during the Lenten sermon.
The singspiel with the motto "Albträumereien" (nightmares) - explicitly with a b - takes place on the journey home from Shrove Tuesday in Franconia, revealed Betz and his colleague Richard Oehmann. "We mix it up. Everyone is everyone else's nightmare," says Betz. "No one gets a raw deal. Everyone gets a turn." It is also revealed who was secretly dressed up - and therefore incognito - at the carnival in Franconia.

For the first time, Agriculture Minister Michaela Kaniber (CSU) has a part in the singspiel. Being derided - parodied and mocked - is ultimately considered a privilege. Oehmann explains why Kaniber has now made it onto the stage: "She is simply the most florid in this cabinet."
Once again, the politicians will be stranded; last year it was a desert island on which the shipwrecked protagonists of federal politics and Bavarian state politics landed together.

There are further mysterious announcements this year: There will be a curtain for the stage set that is extremely light, even though it contains a lot of iron, and a mysterious creature will also make an appearance. Musically, a song from the 1980s has been recycled - "one of the most penetrating earworms in the history of the world", promises Oehmann. He is already suffering from it.

Before that, Maxi Schafroth will take politics and politicians to task in his Lenten sermon. Schafroth emphasized that he was not allowed to reveal anything about them. But: Söder and Aiwanger have a "highly interesting toxic relationship" that has a lot to offer. Of course, he was nervous again this year. But: "I'm speaking in front of people who make mistakes all the time. So why shouldn't I make any?"

Söder and Aiwanger will probably be sitting opposite each other in the audience right by the stage - according to the seating plan. Outgoing Paulaner managing director Andreas Steinfatt left it open as to who of the Berlin political celebrities will be in the hall. He will be hosting Nockherberg for the last time - he is leaving the Paulaner brewery group after 28 years.

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