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Leipzig coach Rose: "I'm really angry"

Leipzig coach Marco Rose stands on the sidelines / Photo: Swen Pförtner/dpa
Leipzig coach Marco Rose stands on the sidelines / Photo: Swen Pförtner/dpa

RB Leipzig coach Marco Rose is extremely angry about the 2-1 defeat at VfL Wolfsburg and the loss of a Champions League place in the Bundesliga. "I'm really angry about what we ended up with here today: nothing!", the 47-year-old grumbled at the press conference for the game on Saturday.

Leipzig were overwhelmingly superior for at least 70 minutes and missed several chances to score. The defeat dropped them to fifth place in the table behind Borussia Dortmund.

"Given the demands we place on ourselves, it's important that we scrutinize ourselves critically," said Rose. "And that we don't go home and say: We were quite decent today, but we were just unlucky. That's not enough for me. I want us to take the next step in terms of our attitude. I want us to be angry about the result. That's exactly what I told the lads."

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