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Erling Haaland makes soccer history with his 40th Champions League goal

Erling Haaland (M) of Manchester City scores the 1-2 / Photo: David Davies/PA Wire/dpa
Erling Haaland (M) of Manchester City scores the 1-2 / Photo: David Davies/PA Wire/dpa

The 23-year-old Erling Haaland scored his 40th goal in the Champions League, making him faster than Ruud van Nistelrooy.

Erling Haaland has once again made soccer history with his goal in Manchester City's 3-2 win over RB Leipzig. It was the 23-year-old Norwegian's 40th goal in the Champions League. Haaland needed 35 games to achieve this. Ten fewer than the Dutch ex-professional Ruud van Nistelrooy.

He scored most of his goals in a Manchester City shirt - including the 1-2 against Leipzig in the 54th minute. Haaland scored a total of 17 times for City in the Champions League. He also scored 15 goals for Borussia Dortmund and eight for Red Bull Salzburg.

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