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Saxon imports at record high - exports down

Containers being loaded. / Photo: Frank Rumpenhorst/dpa/Archivbild
Containers being loaded. / Photo: Frank Rumpenhorst/dpa/Archivbild

Saxony records a peak in imports in 2023, while exports decline. China remains the most important trading partner.

While Saxony exported less last year, the number of imports in the Free State reached a record level. As the State Statistical Office announced on Monday, the value of imports rose to 36 billion euros in 2023 and was nominally two percent higher than in 2022. At the same time, the value was the highest ever recorded. In terms of both imports and exports, China ranks first among Saxony's partner countries.

For example, the import value of equipment for electricity generation and distribution more than doubled last year to 1.2 billion euros, the statistics office explained. This includes solar modules, for example. According to the figures, goods exported from Saxony were worth 49.7 billion euros last year. In nominal terms, this was seven percent less than in the previous year, when record exports were reported. Exports of cars and mobile homes fell in particular,

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