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Greens present campaign: "Really important"

Saxony's Environment Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) at the campaign presentation / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Saxony's Environment Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens) at the campaign presentation / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

The Saxon Greens have suffered a heavy defeat in the European and local elections in Saxony. Nevertheless, they want to spread confidence in the election campaign.

The Saxon Greens want to score points with their core issues in the Saxon election campaign for the state elections on September 1. In addition to climate and nature protection, a strong democracy and a stable economy, the party announced in Dresden on Monday that it is also concerned with social justice and, above all, educational justice. The party stands for a Saxony in which confidence reigns, it said. The motto of the campaign is "Really important" and includes posters, TV and social media ads and publications.

"Since 2019, we have been working in government against a policy of looking the other way and hesitation," emphasized party chairwoman Christin Furtenbacher. They had "fought for a change of course away from stagnation and towards the future". "Our policies have done Saxony good and helped the state move forward even in times of severe crisis. Now we want to continue what we have started." Co-chair Marie Müser added: "With our campaign, we are making it clear that this election is really important. We must ensure that there continues to be a stable democratic government after the elections in Saxony."

The Saxon Greens won just 5.9% of the vote in the European elections on June 9, compared to 10.3% five years earlier. In the 2019 state elections, they achieved 8.6%. Since then, they have formed a coalition with the CDU and SPD in Saxony. Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has repeatedly made it clear that he wants to manage without the Greens in a future government. The AfD is currently ahead of the CDU in polls in Saxony.

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