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Equality Minister promotes solidarity and gender equality

Katja Meier (Greens), Minister of Justice of the State of Saxony, sits at the state assembly of the Saxon Greens / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa
Katja Meier (Greens), Minister of Justice of the State of Saxony, sits at the state assembly of the Saxon Greens / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

Saxony's Equal Opportunities Minister Katja Meier (Greens) promotes more solidarity and gender equality at a reception in the state parliament.

The Saxon Minister for Equal Opportunities, Katja Meier (Greens), has called for more solidarity and gender equality at a reception in the Saxon state parliament. As announced by the Saxon Ministry for Gender Equality, more than 250 guests attended the event "Frauen.Wirtschaft - Für starke Unternehmerinnen, Arbeitnehmerinnen und weibliche Führungskräfte in der sächsischen Wirtschaft" on Saturday.

"Demographic change requires us to utilize the potential of all people and ensure equal opportunities," said Meier. De-industrialization can also be talked about or a sustainable vision can be developed. The Minister added: "If we promote a start-up culture, support underrepresented groups and facilitate the transfer of research results into the economy, then we will also strengthen the innovative power of small and medium-sized enterprises here in Saxony." She called on women in the Free State to be more proactive in sharing their success stories with the outside world.

A position also held by the founder of the Women's Career Index, Barbara Lutz. When women are employed in management positions, these companies are also more successful. "Women are a strong diversity factor," says Lutz. Male employees also benefit from this.

Representatives of the Dresden Foreigners' Council also called for more certainty and less bureaucracy. High hurdles prevent immigrants from being able to work quickly and thus also from being better integrated into society.

In addition, the President of the Association of German Women Entrepreneurs, Jasmin Arbabian-Vogel, and the head of the BMW plant in Leipzig, Petra Peterhänsel, discussed the challenges, obstacles and opportunities for women to take on management roles with Meier.

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