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More money for hiking and pilgrimage projects in Saxony

Pony Eddie stands next to an old horse-drawn wagon that serves as a sleeping place for pilgrims with hay. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Pony Eddie stands next to an old horse-drawn wagon that serves as a sleeping place for pilgrims with hay. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

This year, the Saxon Hiking and Pilgrimage Academy will be able to fund around 90 instead of the original 60 projects for the maintenance and expansion of the necessary infrastructure as well as new offers. This is possible thanks to a short-term increase in funding from the state budget from 100,000 to 150,000 euros, as announced by the State Tourism Association (LTV) on Thursday. The need for uncomplicated funding for projects in favor of micro-infrastructure is very high, said President Jörg Markert.

According to the LTV, this time 167 applications were received from associations, initiatives, municipalities, parishes or accommodation providers, who have to bear ten percent of the total costs, with a total volume of almost 283,000 euros. Funding would be provided for rest areas on trails and viewpoints, purchases for accommodation and trail wardens - people who monitor the maintenance of hiking and pilgrimage trails - or signage and information boards.

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