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Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs awards 35 scholarships for pupils abroad

A sign with the inscription "Scholarship". / Photo: Florian Schuh/dpa
A sign with the inscription "Scholarship". / Photo: Florian Schuh/dpa

A stay abroad helps you learn a foreign language. It also shapes personality and self-confidence. 35 pupils from Saxony can now apply for scholarships.

Pupils from Saxony can apply for a four-week school visit abroad. The deadline is March 11, as announced by the Ministry of Culture on Wednesday. A total of 35 scholarships will be awarded to secondary school pupils in years eight and nine. The countries available are France, Malta, the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Great Britain and the USA.

"The best learning effect with foreign languages comes from practical application. The young people get a completely different motivation boost when they learn the foreign language in the respective country instead of just in the classroom," said Minister of Education Christian Piwarz (CDU). A visit abroad also shapes their personality, vision and self-confidence.

The school visit abroad is planned for September/October. The students will be accommodated in host families. The scholarship covers the cost of the flight, teaching materials and insurance. All participants must pay a personal contribution of 150 euros; in cases of particular hardship, payment in installments is possible.

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