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Trilex and Vogtlandbahn regional railroads not affected by GDL strike

A Trilex train of the Länderbahn with the advertisement "Görliwood Express" travels to Görlitz / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
A Trilex train of the Länderbahn with the advertisement "Görliwood Express" travels to Görlitz / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

According to its own information, the Länderbahn with the Trilex and Vogtlandbahn services in Saxony will not be affected by the almost two-day strike announced by the train drivers' union GDL.

The Länderbahn, which operates the "Trilex" and "Vogtlandbahn" services in Saxony, has announced that it will not be affected by the almost two-day strike announced by the train drivers' union GDL. The reason for this is the wage agreement reached in December by the Netinera Group, to which Länderbahn also belongs, the transport company announced on Tuesday. Länderbahn will therefore provide its transport services according to the current timetable.

Restrictions are to be expected, however, if the signal boxes relevant to these services take part in the strike. However, during the GDL's previous strike action, regular services on the Saxon networks could be maintained. Passengers are asked to check their desired travel connection and all connections shortly before departure and, if necessary, to allow more travel time.

Passengers who wish to postpone their journey planned between Thursday morning and Friday lunchtime due to the strike can use their ticket at a later date. This is because the Länderbahn is a member of the Deutschlandtarifverbund. Passengers also have the option to bring forward their planned journey and travel earlier as part of a special compensation scheme.

In the wage dispute with Deutsche Bahn, the GDL called for a new 35-hour strike on Monday. Members were called to stop working from Thursday morning (2.00 am) until Friday afternoon (1.00 pm).

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