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Traffic restrictions in the Königshainer Berge tunnel on highway 4 due to renovation work

Vehicles drive into the Königshainer Berge tunnel on the A4 / Photo: Arno Burgi/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
Vehicles drive into the Königshainer Berge tunnel on the A4 / Photo: Arno Burgi/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Renovation work leads to traffic restrictions in tunnel on highway 4 towards Görlitz. Detour signposted, longer travel times expected.

There may be traffic restrictions in the Königshainer Berge tunnel on the highway 4 in the direction of Görlitz on Monday due to renovation work. From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., the Görlitz direction lane will be closed between the Nieder Seifersdorf and Kodersdorf junctions, according to the responsible highway company. A detour route from the Nieder Seifersdorf junction has been signposted. Drivers must be prepared for longer journey times.

The "Königshainer Berge" freeway tunnel is currently the third longest freeway tunnel in Germany at 3281 meters in length. It will soon become a bottleneck. Long-term renovation work will begin on April 11. Initially, the north tube will be fully closed until November. During this time, traffic will be routed in one lane in two-way traffic via the south tunnel. From April to November 2025, it will then be the turn of the other tunnel tube.

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