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Power outage in parts of Dresden city center

A power strip with cables, plugs and chargers. / Photo: Sina Schuldt/dpa/symbol image
A power strip with cables, plugs and chargers. / Photo: Sina Schuldt/dpa/symbol image

In parts of Dresden's city center, the power supply has collapsed due to a third-party excavator intervention.

The power supply collapsed in parts of Dresden's city center on Wednesday afternoon. "The reason for the disruption is a third-party intervention by an excavator," said a spokeswoman for the energy supplier Sachsen Energie in Dresden on Wednesday. The excavator had damaged a cable at the New Town Hall. Around 400 customers of the energy supplier are currently without electricity.

The repair is already underway. The defective cable should be repaired in the course of the afternoon. Specifically, the area of Trompeterstraße and St. Petersburger Straße was affected, including a cinema building, a large residential building and several commercial units.

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