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City-Bahn sets up bus service over Whitsun

A city train to Chemnitz stands in the station as it rains and darkness falls / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
A city train to Chemnitz stands in the station as it rains and darkness falls / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

City-Bahn Chemnitz will run buses on important routes over Whitsun until next Tuesday. Due to the ongoing strikes by the German Train Drivers' Union (GDL), regular rail services are currently out of the question, the company announced on Friday. The union had recently repeatedly called for strikes. It wants to fight for a 35-hour week with these actions. According to the information, corresponding agreements have already been reached in more than 40 railroad companies throughout Germany. However, City-Bahn, which operates six lines in Chemnitz and the surrounding area, is vehemently opposed to this.

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