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Shortage of doctors in Saxon regions

Stethoscopes hang above a partition wall in the treatment room of a GP practice. / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Archive image
Stethoscopes hang above a partition wall in the treatment room of a GP practice. / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Archive image

There is currently a gap in medical care in several regions of Saxony due to a shortage of doctors.

There is currently a gap in medical care in several regions of Saxony due to a shortage of doctors. This mainly concerns family doctors, paediatricians and dermatologists, the left-wing parliamentary group in the Saxon state parliament announced on Tuesday in response to a small question.

The situation with family doctors is particularly tense in the so-called planning areas of Frankenberg-Hainichen, Reichenbach, Stollberg, Torgau, Werdau and Weißwasser. In Löbau-Zittau, the supply level for dermatologists is recorded as "zero" - all four available positions are open.

"The staffing problems are putting a heavy strain on the population, especially as there is no improvement in sight given the age structure. In some places, care has been at risk for almost ten years," explained party leader Susanne Schaper. Training capacities must be expanded as quickly as possible, and more study places for human medicine in particular are needed. It is also important to reduce bureaucracy and regularly adjust remuneration. "Every service must be paid for - only the doctors themselves can judge whether they are necessary because they know the cases." Budgeting is always at the expense of patients.

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