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Dresden congratulates art prize winner Christian Friedel on his Oscar nomination

The German actor and singer Christian Friedel / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
The German actor and singer Christian Friedel / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

The city of Dresden has congratulated its latest art prize winner Christian Friedel on his Oscar nomination for "The Zone of Interest". The actor has become an international ambassador for Dresden.

The city of Dresden has congratulated its latest art prize winner Christian Friedel on his Oscar nomination for "The Zone of Interest". He had "become an international ambassador for Dresden" with his cinematic work, said Mayor of Culture Annekatrin Klepsch (Left Party) in a statement on Thursday. She wished him success with one or more of the five nominations.

The actor, musician and director, who comes from Magdeburg, lives in the city on the Elbe and is a regular guest at the Staatsschauspiel. He plays one of the leading roles in the film about the life of the commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Höß, and his wife Hedwig (Sandra Hüller), who lead a privileged life with a house and garden in the immediate vicinity. The Oscars will be awarded on March 10 in Los Angeles.

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