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Poll: AfD ahead in Saxony, BSW in third place

Jörg Urban (AfD), Saxon state chairman, speaks at the AfD state party conference / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Jörg Urban (AfD), Saxon state chairman, speaks at the AfD state party conference / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

While the AfD received the most votes in a poll, two governing parties are worried about entering the state parliament.

Less than six months before the Saxon state elections, the AfD is clearly in first place in a poll of voters' favor. 34 percent of respondents said they would vote for the party if elections were held in Saxony on Sunday, according to the representative survey conducted by the opinion research institute INSA on behalf of "Bild". The CDU is in second place with 30 percent, followed at a considerable distance by Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) in third place (11 percent).

SPD and the Greens, currently coalition partners of the CDU, would receive 6 and 5 percent respectively and would have to worry about entering the state parliament, as would the Left Party (5 percent). The FDP would not make it into the state parliament this time either (2 percent).

A total of 1000 citizens from Saxony were surveyed for the INSA Saxony Trend on behalf of "Bild" from March 11 to 18, 2024. Election polls are generally always fraught with uncertainty. Among other things, declining party loyalty and increasingly short-term voting decisions make it difficult for opinion research institutes to weight the data collected. The institute gives a statistical margin of error of 3.1 percentage points. In principle, polls only reflect the opinion at the time of the survey and are not a forecast of the election outcome.

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