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More than 220,000 euros for six Saxon sports clubs

Soccer boots and a ball lying behind a goal net / Photo: Bernd Weißbrod/dpa/Symbolic image
Soccer boots and a ball lying behind a goal net / Photo: Bernd Weißbrod/dpa/Symbolic image

The Free State uses the money to support sports clubs with necessary construction measures. The highest amount goes to a club from the district of Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge.

Six Saxon sports clubs can look forward to a substantial cash injection. They will receive funding decisions for construction measures with a total volume of over 220,000 euros, as announced by the Ministry of Sport on Thursday. This is the start of this year's funding for investments in popular sports, for which a total of around 18.5 million euros will be available in 2024.

According to the announcement, TSV Kreischa in the district of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains will receive the largest grant: almost 77,000 euros will be made available for the further renovation of the club building. SG Jößnitz (Vogtland district) will receive around 45,000 euros for the renovation of a flat roof, while SSV Turbine Dresden will receive 35,000 euros for the renovation of the sanitary facilities. In addition, the Delitzscher Tennis Club (around 25,000 euros for the renovation of the flat roof, among other things), the Röhrsdorf Riding and Driving Club (around 20,000 euros for the renewal of the floor covering on the all-weather riding arena) and FC Stahl Rietschen-See (a good 18.000 euros for the conversion of the floodlight system to LED).

"We currently have over 700,000 members in Saxon sports clubs - a record number that shows the high importance of sport in the Free State," said Sports Minister Armin Schuster (CDU). "With these investments, we are ensuring good training conditions for athletes of all ages and, above all, sending a clear signal of appreciation." According to the information, a total of 113 grassroots sports measures were funded last year with a total volume of around 10.5 million euros.

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