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Semperoper celebrates Strauss Days with operas, concerts and silent film

The sheet music for "Elektra" by Richard Strauss stands on a music stand in the Semperoper in Dresden (Saxony) on January 14, 2014 before the photo rehearsal of the new production. / Photo: Arno Burgi/dpa
The sheet music for "Elektra" by Richard Strauss stands on a music stand in the Semperoper in Dresden (Saxony) on January 14, 2014 before the photo rehearsal of the new production. / Photo: Arno Burgi/dpa

The Semperoper is celebrating this year's Strauss Days with operas, concerts and silent film performances by Richard Strauss.

The Semperoper is once again celebrating its "house god" Richard Strauss (1864-1949). The program of this year's Strauss Days from 27 March to 7 April includes operas, concerts, a song recital and a screening of the silent film "Der Rosenkavalier" with live music, the Saxon State Opera announced on Thursday.

Strauss had a close relationship with the Dresden Opera and the court orchestra at the time. Under the general music directors Ernst von Schuch, Fritz Busch and Karl Böhm, 9 of his 15 operas were premiered here. The composer also dedicated his "Alpine Symphony" to the orchestra. To this day, the Staatskapelle Dresden enjoys an international reputation as the "Strauss orchestra".

Highlights of the Strauss Days include performances of the operas "Die Frau ohne Schatten" under the musical direction of Christian Thielemann and the revival of "Elektra". A song recital with Christiane Karg and Gerold Huber at the piano on March 31 entitled "Songs of his life" will provide an insight into the composer's oeuvre. The reconstructed version of the "Rosenkavalier" film, which premiered in Dresden in 1926, can already be seen on March 28. Frank Strobel is now conducting the Staatskapelle. The program is complemented by a chamber recital by the orchestra and two special concerts conducted by Sir Antonio Pappano.

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