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Mountaineering in Saxony is intangible cultural heritage

Climbers ascend the small Hercules Column in the Bielatal in Saxon Switzerland / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
Climbers ascend the small Hercules Column in the Bielatal in Saxon Switzerland / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

The customs of the Sorbs and the mountain parades were already part of it - now mountaineering in Saxony is also part of the intangible cultural heritage.

Mountaineering in Saxony is now part of the intangible cultural heritage. The Conference of Culture Ministers decided on Wednesday to include the tradition in the nationwide list, announced the Ministry of Culture in Dresden. The Free State of Saxony had nominated mountaineering for the application round. The climbers hope that the title will draw more attention to their interests.

The inclusion in the directory is a well-deserved recognition, explained Minister Barbara Klepsch (CDU). Mountaineering in Saxony is much more than just mountain sports. The deep connection to nature and its protection characterize the tradition.

Mountaineering in Saxony has been based on the principle of free climbing without artificial aids since 1910. In addition to various climbing and safety techniques, the Saxon climbing rules also stipulate the protection of rock biotopes. According to the ministry, the mountaineering association in the Free State has around 18,000 members.

A wide variety of traditions are included in the list of intangible cultural heritage. From Saxony, the customs and festivals of the Sorbs, mountain parades and boys' choirs are already part of the intangible cultural heritage. The list currently contains 150 entries. In addition to Saxon mountain climbing, Berlin's techno culture, the Finsterwalde singing tradition, the Kirchseeon Perchtenlauf, Schwalm white embroidery and Viez cider have also been included this time.

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