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Major cities in Saxony call for restraint in the use of fireworks

A firecracker explodes during a demonstration by a pyrotechnician / Photo: Frank Hammerschmidt/dpa/Symbolic image
A firecracker explodes during a demonstration by a pyrotechnician / Photo: Frank Hammerschmidt/dpa/Symbolic image

The major cities in Saxony are not planning any firecracker ban zones, but are appealing for consideration and restraint in the use of fireworks. There are also general rules for setting off New Year's Eve firecrackers and rockets.

The major cities in Saxony are not planning any firecracker ban zones this New Year's Eve, but are calling for consideration and restraint in the use of fireworks. When asked, the cities of Leipzig, Dresden and Chemnitz also referred to the general rules that apply when handling New Year's Eve firecrackers and rockets. These include the fact that pyrotechnics should not be set off in nature reserves. Firecrackers are also taboo in the immediate vicinity of churches, hospitals and retirement homes.

In Dresden, according to the city, fireworks may not be set off on the Elbe meadows, on the slopes of the Elbe valley or in the Dresden Heath. There are a total of 27 protected areas in the state capital. The city administration has published instructions for New Year's Eve fireworks on the Internet.

The city of Leipzig announced that compliance with the legal ban on setting off fireworks in front of hospitals or retirement homes will be monitored by the police and the public order office. Those who do not comply will be subject to administrative offense proceedings. "The city is appealing to citizens to exercise caution and moderation when using pyrotechnics due to safety and health risks as well as animal and environmental protection, or preferably to refrain from using them altogether," said spokesperson David Quosdorf.

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