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Classical airleben concerts at the Leipzig Gewandhaus

Thousands of visitors sit with umbrellas in the Rosenthal and listen to an open-air concert by the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Thousands of visitors sit with umbrellas in the Rosenthal and listen to an open-air concert by the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Tens of thousands of listeners at open-air concerts at the Leipzig Gewandhaus

The Leipzig Gewandhaus's "Klassik airleben" open-air concerts have attracted tens of thousands of listeners. Last weekend, a total of 63,000 people came to the Rosental, as Gewandhaus spokesman Dirk Steiner announced on Monday. Gewandhaus conductor Andris Nelsons conducted world-famous film music soundtracks from "Vertigo", "Gone with the Wind", "The Godfather", "Lord of the Rings" and "Star Wars" on Friday and Saturday. "Klassik airleben" has been around since 2006 and admission was free.

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