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Börsenverein honors Leipzig Book Fair boss Zille

A pair of reading glasses lies on an open paper book / Photo: Monika Skolimowska/dpa/Illustration
A pair of reading glasses lies on an open paper book / Photo: Monika Skolimowska/dpa/Illustration

The German Publishers and Booksellers Association has honored the director of the Leipzig Book Fair, Oliver Zille, for his services to books. He has stood up for the German book industry and cultural landscape "with great commitment" for 30 years, the Börsenverein praised the 63-year-old in the run-up to the annual general meeting, according to a statement on Saturday. "Whoever says Leipzig Book Fair thinks Oliver Zille."

Zille had led the event through the post-reunification period, was largely responsible for its realignment and growth, it said. Under his leadership, it has developed into "a platform for the love of reading and book enthusiasm, for the promotion of young literary talent and the mediation of literature." "Oliver Zille is truly a promoter of books," said Börsenverein president Karin Schmidt-Friderichs.

The economist and Leipzig native took care of the traditional book show after the fall of the Berlin Wall, first as project manager, then as director and, since 2004, as director of the book fair and member of the management board of Leipziger Messe. Most recently, the Leipzig Book Fair had a hard time due to the Corona pandemic, having to be canceled three times in a row. After a successful comeback this spring, Zille had surprisingly announced his retirement in June - at the end of the year.

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