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Sunday hike in good Comuneo community

Comuneo hike across a field near Boxberg (Image: Thomas Wolf)
Comuneo hike across a field near Boxberg (Image: Thomas Wolf)

Around 50 people and a dog came to the first Comuneo Hiking Day in 2024. In sunny weather, we walked around 10 kilometers from the Heidefriedhof cemetery to "WALDMAX".

Most people in Dresden know the Palais Sommer, perhaps also the team around initiator Jörg Polenz, whom I have known personally for six years now. However, the Palais Sommer is "only" the annual highlight, during which around 200 free cultural events are offered to Dresdeners over a period of eight weeks. These events are financed by donations, partners and sponsors.

Under the motto "Culture for all", a circle of friends called Comuneo has developed alongside the Palais Sommer, which has set itself the task of offering cultural events throughout the year, including walking days. I attended one of these for the first time today. Small spoiler: It was fantastic.

Today's Sunday lived up to its name, the rain of the last few days was quickly forgotten. Almost 50 hikers and a dog called Richard, a Rhodesian Ridgeback, met at the Heidefriedhof cemetery to walk the ten-kilometre loop to Waldmax together.

The wide age range between around 25 and 70 years old was interesting. Many came alone, others as a couple or with friends. It was a nice mix and stimulating conversations ensued. A wonderful opportunity to get to know people and experience community. The walk itself then actually became a minor matter; I personally had also completely lost my bearings.

As I said, the walk started at the Heidefriedhof cemetery. The first stop right at the beginning was the Buddhist cemetery ("place of return"), where devout Buddhists can be buried unadorned. Gudrun, the organizer of the Comuneo hike, explained some background information about the cemetery and Buddhism.

The route then continued to the so-called Blechburg, a former lookout tower with a viewing bastion at the northern end of the Jägerberg, which offers a wonderful view over Dresden and Radebeul. The route then led to the Boxberg village oak and the transformer tower. The next destination was the former windmill on the Galgenberg. From there, it wasn't far to the "WALDMAX", where there was coffee, cake or currywurst with fries and a beer.

Background on Comuneo

Comuneo is more than just a circle of friends; it is a community of committed people and companies who work for the good of society. With projects that promote art, culture and education, including the admission-free Palais Sommer festival and the diverse Comuneo events, Comuneo is committed to the common good. The vision is for the circle of friends to grow steadily, supported by new members and strengthened by strategic partnerships.

Thanks to the regular support of over 60 companies, Comuneo is able to implement its commitment to art, culture and education and offer events such as the Palais Sommer and other events free of charge. This circle of supporters and over 1,000 committed members creates a network that has a significant impact on culture in Dresden.

For more information and the opportunity to support Comuneo, visit www.comuneo.de.