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Dajana Eitberger and Saskia Schirmer return to the World Cup with third place

Andrea Vötter and Marion Oberhofer from Italy ride down the course / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Andrea Vötter and Marion Oberhofer from Italy ride down the course / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

After the disappointing World Championships in Altenberg, the doubles duo Dajana Eitberger and Saskia Schirmer have bounced back with third place in the World Cup.

After the disappointing World Championships in Altenberg, the doubles duo of Dajana Eitberger and Saskia Schirmer have bounced back with third place in the World Cup. After two runs on Saturday, the Thuringian-Bavarian duo were 0.211 seconds behind the victorious Italians Andrea Voetter and Marion Oberhofer. Anda Upite and Kitija Bogdanova from Latvia came second in Altenberg.

Jessica Degenhardt and Cheyenne Rosenthal finished fifth, but remain within striking distance of the Italians in the overall World Cup, just five points behind them. Eitberger/Schirmer also still have a good chance of finishing third overall ahead of the double race in Oberhof.

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