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The KunstBus is on the road in Upper Lusatia

The Rakotz Bridge made of basalt stones in the Kromlau Rhododendron Park is reflected in the Rakotzsee in cloudy weather / Photo: Frank Hammerschmidt/dpa
The Rakotz Bridge made of basalt stones in the Kromlau Rhododendron Park is reflected in the Rakotzsee in cloudy weather / Photo: Frank Hammerschmidt/dpa

The KunstBus Oberlausitz is going on tour again. On August 10 and 11, regular buses will travel to six art locations in the region every hour, as announced by the Foundation for Art and Culture in Upper Lusatia on Friday. The combination of different art locations with activities to experience, learn and participate in, but also to linger and the carefree ride on the KunstBus is what makes the project so appealing and attracts numerous visitors every year.

This year's art locations are the Telux socio-cultural center, the Weißwasser Glass Museum, the Sorbian Cultural Center, Atelier Schwarz, the Rhododendron Park Kromlau and the Hermannsbad Bad Muskau.

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