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Soloists from China and Malaysia win Schumann Competition

Cloth bag with documents for the International Robert Schumann Competition at a checkroom / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Cloth bag with documents for the International Robert Schumann Competition at a checkroom / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

A Chinese singer and a pianist from Malaysia are the winners of this year's International Robert Schumann Competition in Zwickau. 31-year-old Zhuohan Sun won the first prize of 10,000 euros and a gold medal in the men's singing category, while 23-year-old Vincent Ong (Malaysia) won first prize in the piano category, the city's cultural office announced on Sunday. A special prize of 3000 euros for the best song accompaniment went to 30-year-old Mexican Diego Mallen.

No first prize was awarded in the female singing category, however, with second place going to Elisabeth Birgmeier from Germany. The 19th edition of the competition was due to end in the evening with the prizewinners' concert.

According to the information provided, 70 young men and women took part in the singing competition this time, while 56 soloists competed on the piano. A total of 42 of them made it through to the second round and 18 to the final. The international competition has been held in Zwickau, the birthplace of composer Robert Schumann (1810-1856), since 1963 - now every four years.

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