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New 'Living Heritage Saxony' foundation to buy and restore monuments

A new foundation is to purchase, renovate and restore special monuments in Saxony. / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa/Symbolic image
A new foundation is to purchase, renovate and restore special monuments in Saxony. / Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa/Symbolic image

A new foundation in Saxony is to purchase, renovate and restore historical monuments in order to bring Saxony's cultural history to life.

A new foundation is to purchase, renovate and restore special monuments in Saxony. So far, the Free State has invested two million euros in the establishment of the "Living Heritage Foundation Saxony", the Ministry for Regional Development announced on Thursday evening.

The foundation under private law is a new way of preserving historically and culturally valuable sites. The spectrum ranges from valuable buildings and technical facilities to gardens and parks. Contemporary utilization concepts should also be developed. The foundation is intended to close a gap between the state palace administration and numerous private funding foundations.

State Minister Thomas Schmidt (CDU) explained that the initiative to establish the foundation came from within the state parliament. He hopes that the foundation will gradually detach itself from public funding and establish itself as an institution in Saxony's cultural landscape. State Parliament President Matthias Rößler has been appointed as the foundation's first chairman.

The aim is to acquire and restore monuments and objects of particular cultural-historical, regional or folkloristic significance and to keep them in the foundation's inventory in the long term. In addition, the objects should be accessible to the public in order to make Saxon cultural history tangible. Above all, private funds are to be raised to ensure sustainable financing.

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