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Traffic trial with cycle lanes at the Blue Wonder in Dresden controversially discussed

Cars parked on a red-marked cycle path at the Blaues Wunder bridge over the Elbe / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild
Cars parked on a red-marked cycle path at the Blaues Wunder bridge over the Elbe / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild

The traffic trial with cycle lanes across Dresden's Blaues Wunder bridge is the subject of controversial debate. The Dresden Chamber of Crafts declared it a failure.

The traffic trial with cycle lanes across Dresden's Blaues Wunder bridge is the subject of controversial debate. On Monday, the Dresden Chamber of Crafts declared it a failure after just one week. "After just a few days, it should be clear that the traffic trial has not been a success - the waiting times for motorized road users on site are too long," emphasized Chamber boss Jörg Dittrich. The trial was unduly detrimental to the trade. The companies are stuck in traffic jams with their vehicles and are therefore not on the construction site. The chamber had received complaints from craft businesses. During the trial, cyclists will be allowed to use the road for the first time; previously, they had to use the footpath.

On Monday, however, the German Cyclists' Federation (ADFC) in Dresden called for the trial to be continued. "The reactions are different. In addition to emotional reactions, the cycle lanes have also received a lot of praise from commuters on bikes who rely on the Blue Wonder and now get to work much more relaxed and safely." The average delay on bus routes 61 and 63 decreased last Friday. "The transport trial must definitely be continued in order to find out whether this normalization can be sustained," explained board member Nils Larsen. The club wants to petition for the trial to continue until June as planned.

Former FDP politician and head of the newly formed Team Zastrow, Holger Zastrow, reiterated his criticism of the policies of transport mayor Stephan Kühn (Greens). "You have to have a lot of chutzpah to come around the corner with a new provocation of motorists in the midst of the fuss surrounding the traffic trials at the Blue Wonder and on the Flügelweg Bridge," commented Zastrow on Monday, describing Kühn as an "ADFC lobbyist" and further plans to improve cycling in Dresden. The Green transport mayor remains "true to his policy of being against the car and therefore the majority of road users".

The Chamber of Crafts called for conclusions to be drawn from the traffic situation at the Blue Wonder. "As can be seen, the new division of the road space has consequences for all road users. But as desirable as a better cycling concept is, it must not lead to other road users being unduly burdened," argued the chamber. The trade sees the need to provide safe and sufficient traffic space for cyclists. However, the Blue Wonder trial shows that adjustments need to be made in order to put bicycle traffic, commercial traffic and local public transport on an equal footing.

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