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557 social housing units completed in Saxony in 2022

Cranes and scaffolding stand at the construction site of an apartment building. / Photo: Bernd Wüstneck/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolbild
Cranes and scaffolding stand at the construction site of an apartment building. / Photo: Bernd Wüstneck/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa/Symbolbild

In Saxony, 557 social housing units were completed last year. This was announced by the state parliamentary group of the Left Party on Sunday. According to a response from the Saxon government to a small question from the faction's housing policy spokeswoman, Juliane Nagel, 297 of the new social housing units are in Dresden and 260 in Leipzig. According to the data, 12,541 social housing units existed in Saxony at the end of last year. The counties and district-free cities reported an additional need for 11 940 social housing units until 2025.

"Social housing construction in Saxony is still sluggish," Nagel said. In Dresden and Leipzig the need exceeds the offer by a multiple. Nagel therefore demanded more money and more flexible funding instrument for the construction of social housing. Since February, there have been new subsidy rates to take into account the increased supply rents and construction costs, he said. "But it would be necessary to link the subsidies to the construction price index in order to absorb cost changes," Nagel said. According to the state government, Saxony will receive 99.6 million euros in federal funding for social housing construction in 2023, to be supplemented by 29.9 million in state funding.

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