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Zwickau still in danger of relegation after 26:35 in Leverkusen

A handball is caught. / Photo: Ronny Hartmann/dpa/Symbolic image
A handball is caught. / Photo: Ronny Hartmann/dpa/Symbolic image

The handball players of BSV Sachsen Zwickau are still in acute danger of relegation. Coach Norman Rentsch's charges conceded a clear 26:35 (11:20) against TSV Bayer Leverkusen on Saturday and remain in a relegation place after their 13th defeat of the season. Christin Kaufmann (6), Mareike Thomeier (6/2) and Mariana Ferreiro-Lopes (6/4) played the biggest part in Leverkusen's success. Ema Hrvatin (5/1), Lea Grießer, Simona Stojkovska and Rita Lakatos (4 each) scored the most goals for Zwickau.

Zwickau trailed from the outset in this duel. The visitors were still within reach of the team from Saxony up to 5:7 (11th minute). Bayer's seven scored four goals in a row (5:11 in the 24th minute) to decide the game in advance. Zwickau was then no longer able to change the direction of the game. The error rate in attack was simply too high.

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