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ThSV Eisenach parts ways with goalkeeper Kornecki

A handball lies on the floor with the Handball Bundesliga (HBL) logo behind it. / Photo: David Inderlied/dpa
A handball lies on the floor with the Handball Bundesliga (HBL) logo behind it. / Photo: David Inderlied/dpa

The Thuringian handball team has not made a new offer to goalkeeper Mateusz Kornecki. However, the Pole will remain in German handball.

Handball Bundesliga club ThSV Eisenach continues to plan its squad for the coming season. As the Thuringians announced on Wednesday, the contract with goalkeeper Mateusz Kornecki, which expires at the end of the season, will not be extended. The 29-year-old Pole will join another German club, according to the announcement. "Mateusz Kornecki has helped us with many good saves to achieve our big goal at the end of the season. We are sure that he will do everything he can in the remaining seven games to help ThSV Eisenach stay in the league," said managing director Rene Witte.

Kornecki moved to Wartburg this season from Champions League club KS Kielce and currently has the best save percentage of the Eisenach goalkeeper trio with just under 26%. However, after signing Silvio Heinevetter, who is currently under contract with TVB 1898 Stuttgart for the 2024/2025 season, Kornecki has not been offered a new contract, according to Witte.

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