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Goalscorer Aaronson replaces Volland at Union

Match balls lying on the grass / Photo: Swen Pförtner/dpa/Symbolic image
Match balls lying on the grass / Photo: Swen Pförtner/dpa/Symbolic image

Brendon Aaronson is rewarded for his debut goal in the Bundesliga with a starting appearance. The US international is back in the Union Berlin starting line-up on Saturday for the first time in more than a month. Against 1. FC Heidenheim on Saturday (3.30pm/Sky), the attacker will replace Kevin Volland, who is suspended following his yellow card.

Aaronson had scored as a substitute in the previous week's 1-0 win at TSG Hoffenheim. Yorbe Vertessen, another candidate to replace Volland, is on the bench.

Robin Knoche replaces the suspended Diogo Leite in the back line. Captain Christopher Trimmel will initially only be on the bench on his 37th birthday. Coach Nenad Bjelica has called up Josip Juranovic at right-back. With a win, Union can set a club record of five home victories in a row and take a big step towards staying in the league. Tenth-placed Heidenheim are three points ahead of the Ironmen.

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