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6:4 against Iserlohn: Eisbären Berlin qualify for the CHL

Berlin's Leo Pföderl celebrates after scoring a goal / Photo: Andreas Gora/dpa
Berlin's Leo Pföderl celebrates after scoring a goal / Photo: Andreas Gora/dpa

The Eisbären Berlin have defended their lead at the top of the German Ice Hockey League (DEL) table and secured qualification for the Champions Hockey League (CHL) ahead of time. On Sunday evening, the capital city team beat the Iserlohn Roosters 6:4 (1:0, 2:2, 3:2) to secure at least second place after the main round. Leonhard Pföderl scored two goals, while Zach Boychuk, Marcel Noebels, Frederik Tiffels and Manuel Wiederer also scored for the Berliners.

In front of 14,019 spectators in the Arena am Ostbahnhof, the hosts were clearly superior in the opening period, but only capitalized on one of their many scoring chances. After a pass from Pföderl, Boychuk scored his 23rd goal of the season. The Berliners extended their lead shortly after the first break. Pföderl again provided the assist, this time Noebels scored. The visitors managed to tie the scores through Emil Quaas, but Pföderl restored the gap a little later when the Capitals were playing in overtime. However, Hunter Shinkaruk brought Iserlohn back into contention.

29 seconds into the final period, Tiffels scored Berlin's fourth goal. Iserlohn's attacker Tyler Boland made it exciting again briefly with his goal before Wiederer and Pföderl again secured the win for the capital team. Charlie Jahnke scored for the visitors for the final score.

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