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Solar industry in Saxony-Anhalt dependent on aid

Photovoltaic modules are located in an industrial park in Bitterfeld-Wolfen. Commercial buildings can be seen in the background. Meyer Burger's site in Thalheim is heavily dependent on federal aid / Photo: Simon Kremer/dpa
Photovoltaic modules are located in an industrial park in Bitterfeld-Wolfen. Commercial buildings can be seen in the background. Meyer Burger's site in Thalheim is heavily dependent on federal aid / Photo: Simon Kremer/dpa

Last week, employees of the solar company Meyer Burger in Freiberg, Saxony, were given their notice. Is there a threat of redundancy in Bitterfeld-Wolfen too?

The long-term safeguarding of solar production in Saxony-Anhalt remains dependent on political support. Saxony-Anhalt will not be able to maintain the production site on its own, said Saxony-Anhalt's Economics Minister Sven Schulze (CDU) on Thursday in the state parliament's economic committee. Without European and federal aid, it would not be possible to support the company.

The Swiss company Meyer Burger announced last week that around 500 employees at the plant in Freiberg, Saxony, had been made redundant. The company is currently building new production capacities in the USA. According to the company, solar cell production in Bitterfeld-Wolfen in Saxony-Anhalt will continue to be needed until 2025. However, Meyer Burger did not give any guarantees beyond that. "The long-term prospects of the site remain dependent on political measures to create fair competitive conditions," said a spokesperson for the company in response to an inquiry.

It is not yet too late to secure the site, said Economics Minister Schulze in Magdeburg. There would be time to find a solution in the coming months. According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the site in Bitterfeld-Wolfen is the only one of this size in the whole of Europe.

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