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Onset of winter leads to disruptions in rail traffic in the Vogtland region

A display indicates a train failure. / Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa/Symbolic image
A display indicates a train failure. / Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa/Symbolic image

Onset of winter causes delays and cancellations on the Vogtland network.

The onset of winter has led to severe disruptions in rail traffic in the Vogtland region. Due to heavy snowfall and freezing rain, there are repeated delays and cancellations in large parts of the Vogtland network, the Länderbahn announced on Tuesday morning. The RB1 line between Falkenstein and Zwotental and the RB4 line between Gera and Greiz in Thuringia were particularly affected. The Länderbahn called on travelers to avoid journeys if possible or to start them later.

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