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Dresden demonstrates: A sign for democracy on 25.2. #WirSindDieBrandmauer

Together against the right: Dresden sends a strong signal on 25.2.
Together against the right: Dresden sends a strong signal on 25.2.

Dresden mobilizes against extremism on 25 Feb with speeches, music & Luisa Neubauer. A strong signal for democracy and diversity.

On 25 February, the alliance "Wir Sind Die Brandmauer Dresden" is organizing a demonstration for democracy and against extremism. This event, part of the "Together against the Right" weekend, aims to send a clear signal against political radicalization and highlight the importance of civil society involvement. The organizers emphasize the importance of unity and active commitment to an open society, especially in the context of the upcoming elections.

Since the publication of the Correctiv research, more than three million people have taken to the streets across Germany. This weekend, too, many actions have been announced across Germany, from Bautzen to Dresden and Hamburg.

The call for the last major demonstration in Dresden on 3 February, which was supported by over 200 local organizations, was followed by over 30,000 people. One organizer is delighted about this:

"With these demonstrations, we are showing people all over Germany that Dresden is not just brown soup! We will no longer passively watch the shift in discourse when things suddenly become sayable that seemed unthinkable just a short time ago. Here we clearly call on all democratic parties to do their part: do not join in the shift to the right and the shift in discourse! We need a clear stance against the right!"

The upcoming event in Dresden promises a varied stage program with contributions from local and national circles. The well-known activist Luisa Neubauer is also expected to be among the speakers. Musical highlights will also be provided by top-class acts, as was the case at a previous event where the band Revolverheld performed.

Link to the event: Großdemo in Dresden 25.2. on the nationwide day of action #WirSindDieBrandmauer

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