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RB Leipzig faces elimination in the last 16 of the Champions League

Leipzig's Xavi Simons stands disappointed on the pitch after the match / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Leipzig's Xavi Simons stands disappointed on the pitch after the match / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

RB Leipzig loses first leg against Real Madrid 1-0 and is under pressure ahead of second leg

Bundesliga club RB Leipzig are in danger of being eliminated in the last 16 of the Champions League. Despite a courageous performance, the Saxons lost the first leg against Real Madrid 0:1 (0:0) on Tuesday evening and are under pressure ahead of the second leg in Spain on March 6. Brahim Díaz (49th minute) scored the decisive goal for the visitors in front of 45,028 spectators in a sold-out Leipzig stadium. Coach Marco Rose's Leipzig side had good chances themselves until the closing stages and had a controversial offside goal disallowed in a tricky situation.

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