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Germany receives EU approval to promote climate-neutral steel

The steelworks on the Weser at sunrise / Photo: Sina Schuldt/dpa
The steelworks on the Weser at sunrise / Photo: Sina Schuldt/dpa

EU Commission approves 1.3 billion euros for conversion to climate-neutral steel production at ArcelorMittal sites in Bremen and Eisenhüttenstadt to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and drive ecological change.

Germany may provide 1.3 billion euros for the conversion to climate-neutral steel production at ArcelorMittal's sites in Bremen and Eisenhüttenstadt. The EU Commission approved the payment on Friday. The measure will support the realization of the goals of the EU hydrogen strategy and the European Green Deal, the Brussels authority announced. It will also help to end dependence on fossil fuels from Russia and rapidly advance the ecological transition.

The measure will support ArcelorMittal's plan to decarbonize part of its steel production processes in Bremen and Eisenhüttenstadt, it added. The company currently operates three coal blast furnaces and four oxygen blow-up converters for the production of crude steel at the two sites.

At the beginning of the month, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Robert Habeck (Greens) announced the long-awaited funding approval. The federal government would support the switch to climate-neutral steel production at the ArcelorMittal sites in Bremen and Eisenhüttenstadt. The green light from Brussels has not yet been given.

With the "Green Deal", the EU aims to become climate-neutral by 2050. The strategy includes measures in areas such as energy, transport, industry and agriculture.

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