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Million-euro investment in Lusatia: New federal construction research center receives 68.6 million euros

Paula Piechotta (Alliance 90/The Greens), Member of the German Bundestag, speaks in the plenary of the German Bundestag. / Photo: Christoph Soeder/dpa
Paula Piechotta (Alliance 90/The Greens), Member of the German Bundestag, speaks in the plenary of the German Bundestag. / Photo: Christoph Soeder/dpa

The Bundestag's budget committee has cleared the way for an investment of millions in Lusatia. The federal construction research center 'LAB - Living Art of Building' will receive a total of 68.6 million euros.

According to three Saxon MPs, the Bundestag Budget Committee has cleared the way for an investment worth millions in Lusatia. The federal government is providing a total of 68.6 million euros for the federal construction research center "LAB - Living Art of Building", MPs Paula Piechotta (Greens), Torsten Herbst (FDP) and Kathrin Michel (SPD) announced on Friday. This was decided by the Budget Committee, of which all three are members, in its adjustment meeting last night. The Free State had already agreed to bear the investment costs. The State Chancellery was initially unavailable for comment.

The new federal research center will reportedly conduct research into the resource-saving and climate-neutral construction of the future. "I am very pleased that we in the traffic light coalition have succeeded in providing funding for the LAB thanks to a joint effort," explained Michel. According to Piechotta, the LAB will close a gap in the future, as there is no dedicated research facility for sustainable construction in Germany. "From heat-resistant construction and carbon concrete to more digital and resource-efficient construction, topics are waiting to be addressed," she said.

Herbst said that the decision would not only benefit the district of Bautzen, but the entire Saxon construction industry.

According to the Bautzen city council, the LAB will create more than 1,200 jobs in the fields of science and technology.

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