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Farmers occupy highway bridges in Saxony

Tractors stand in front of the conference hotel on Erfurt's Theaterplatz, where the conference of federal and state agriculture ministers took place from March 13 to 15 / Photo: Martin Schutt/dpa
Tractors stand in front of the conference hotel on Erfurt's Theaterplatz, where the conference of federal and state agriculture ministers took place from March 13 to 15 / Photo: Martin Schutt/dpa

Farmers in Saxony protest on highway bridges against the reduction of agricultural diesel subsidies.

In Saxony, farmers occupied various highway bridges on Thursday evening. There were over 20 actions with a total of 800 participants, said Robert Erdmann, spokesman for the LSV (Land schafft Verbindung) association. The actions, which lasted around an hour, had been agreed and approved by the relevant authorities. According to Erdmann, the highways were still passable. The farmers wanted to send a signal to federal politicians in Berlin. Among other things, the gradual reduction of agricultural diesel subsidies will be put to the vote in the Bundesrat on Friday.

Among other things, the gradual reduction of agricultural diesel subsidies will be put to the vote in the Bundesrat on Friday. The federal states also have the option of appealing to the Conciliation Committee.

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