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Ice sports center in Chemnitz renamed after figure skating coaching legend Jutta Müller

Katarina Witt (r), Olympic and world champion in figure skating, embraces Müller's daughter, Gabriele Seyfert, world and European champion in figure skating, on the occasion of the renaming of the ice skating complex in Chemnitz as the "Jutta Müller Ice Sports Center" / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
Katarina Witt (r), Olympic and world champion in figure skating, embraces Müller's daughter, Gabriele Seyfert, world and European champion in figure skating, on the occasion of the renaming of the ice skating complex in Chemnitz as the "Jutta Müller Ice Sports Center" / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

The Chemnitz Ice Sports Center was renamed after figure skating coaching legend Jutta Müller, with an emotional ice show and celebrity participation.

The Chemnitz Ice Sports Center has been renamed after figure skating coaching legend Jutta Müller. The city announced that the successful figure skating coach was remembered with an ice show in the sold-out hall on Saturday evening. Before the show, a nameplate of the deceased honorary citizen of Chemnitz was unveiled.

Afterwards, there were performances on the ice in pairs skating, ice dancing and synchronized skating by athletes from Chemnitz, Dresden and Berlin, among others. In addition to the Lord Mayor of Chemnitz, Sven Schulze (SPD), Müller's daughter and first female world champion in figure skating for the GDR, Gabriele Seyfert, was also present. The laudatory speech was held by two-time Olympic champion Katarina Witt, who was trained by Müller for many years.

Müller died at the beginning of November at the age of 94. She was the most successful figure skating coach in the world. The Chemnitz native, who began her coaching career at SC Karl-Marx-Stadt in 1955, won 57 medals with her protégés at the European Championships, World Championships and Olympic Games.

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