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Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck calls for solidarity with politicians under attack

Robert Habeck (Alliance 90/The Greens), Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. / Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa
Robert Habeck (Alliance 90/The Greens), Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. / Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa

Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck calls for solidarity in the face of frequent attacks on politicians. Attacks are an expression of the brutalization of political debate.

In view of the increasing number of attacks on politicians, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Robert Habeck has called for solidarity with those attacked. "These attacks are not a private problem. They concern us all," said the Green politician and Vice-Chancellor in a video on the X platform (formerly Twitter) on Sunday. The attacks were an expression of a brutalization of the political debate and also the result of a transgression of boundaries in social media.

Such attacks were intimidating. "We can only counter this intimidation if we stick together, if we confront the perpetrators with the severity of the rule of law, if we show solidarity with those who stand up for their freedom of speech and opinion," emphasized Habeck. "We are more, we are many, let's stick together," he said at the end of his video.

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