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Jens Bretschneider, State Mining Music Director, conducts the Great Miners' Tattoo / Photo: Kristin Schmidt/dpa

One year of Steigerlied as cultural heritage

A year ago, the Steigerlied was ennobled as intangible cultural heritage. Whether in the style of blues, classical or rock - many variations have been added since then. Doesn't that make you tired of the song?

A man sits at a computer typing on a keyboard / Photo: Nicolas Armer/dpa/Symbolbild

Experts provide cybersecurity tips

Experts are providing information about pitfalls on the Internet with a special program in Saxony until November 17. The so-called roadshow on cybersecurity started in Dresden on Monday and will make stops in numerous cities over the next few weeks - for example in Torgau, Reichenbach, Hoyerswerda a ..

Network cables in a data center. / Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa/iconic image

City of Dresden: Cyber attack repelled

The Saxon state capital Dresden has, according to its own information, repelled a cyber attack. During the attack on Thursday morning, access to the city government's website was severely restricted, a spokeswoman said. Dresden.de was eventually disconnected from the Internet as a precaution, she sa ..