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No discussion about coach Rose at RB Leipzig

Marco Rose, head coach of Leipzig at the press conference / Photo: Jan-Philipp Strobel/dpa
Marco Rose, head coach of Leipzig at the press conference / Photo: Jan-Philipp Strobel/dpa

Three defeats at the start of the year have led RB Leipzig into a crisis. However, there is still no discussion about coach Marco Rose.

At Bundesliga club RB Leipzig, coach Marco Rose is not up for discussion despite the three defeats at the start of the year. Sporting director Rouven Schröder told Bild on Sunday that there is no discussion about a new coach. "We are absolutely far away from that," Schröder emphasized. However, the reasons for the series of failures are being examined. "We have to take a very close look at what happened. The most important thing is to really work through things very carefully," said the sporting director.

RB lost 5-2 at VfB Stuttgart on Saturday after an appallingly weak performance. Prior to that, they had also lost to Bayer Leverkusen (2:3) and Eintracht Frankfurt (0:1). The only time RB had lost three games in a row in the Bundesliga was in November/December 2021. After that, then coach Jesse Marsch had to leave.

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