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Niners Chemnitz defend table lead with victory in Bamberg

Kevin Yebo (l) and DeAndre Lansdowne from Chemnitz talk on the pitch / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
Kevin Yebo (l) and DeAndre Lansdowne from Chemnitz talk on the pitch / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

The Niners Chemnitz successfully defended their lead in the Bundesliga with a clear victory against Brose Baskets Bamberg.

The Niners Chemnitz basketball team has successfully defended its lead in the Bundesliga. After reaching the semi-finals of the Fiba Europe Cup on Wednesday, the Saxons did not show any weaknesses in the national tournament either. The players of Head Coach Rodrigo Pastore ran out clear winners by 106:84 (48:36) at Brose Baskets Bamberg on Sunday. As a result, Chemnitz overtook FC Bayern Munich, which had opened the gap with a victory at BG Göttingen in the afternoon.

The outstanding Kevin Yebo (33 points), Aher Uguak, Jeff Garrett (both 13), Wesley van Beck (12), Kaza Kajami-Keane and Jonas Richter (10 each) played the biggest part in Chemnitz's 20th win of the season. Trey Woodbury (27), Zach Copeland (15) and Filip Stanic (13) scored the most points for Bamberg.

The double burden of the European campaign was not noticeable for Chemnitz. After trailing 10:13 (6th minute), the club from Saxony pulled away to 28:16 (11th minute). After that, Chemnitz did not let control of the game slip from its grasp. The visitors dominated under the basket in particular. Bamberg snapped up just 28 rebounds, compared to 42 for the visitors.

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