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Nagelsmann return to FC Bayern not ruled out

National coach Julian Nagelsmann on the touchline / Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa
National coach Julian Nagelsmann on the touchline / Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa

A return of national soccer coach Julian Nagelsmann to FC Bayern is not out of the question, according to a report in the German newspaper "Bild". According to the report, the 36-year-old Nagelsmann himself could imagine working for the record German soccer champions again in the future. However, the possibility of a new engagement as head coach should only exist anyway if preferred candidate Xabi Alonso does not move from Leverkusen to Munich during the summer break, writes the "Bild" on Sunday evening.

Nagelsmann is still tied to the German Football Association until after the home European Championship this summer. What will happen after that and whether his contract will be extended remains to be seen. Thomas Tuchel is still Bayern coach until the end of the current season, after which the 50-year-old will have to leave the club. Tuchel was appointed in March 2023 as the successor to Nagelsmann, who had previously been in charge of Munich since 2021.

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