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Magdeburg coach plans pitch replacement after match against St. Pauli

Workers remove the stadium turf with a milling machine in the MDCC-Arena of 1. FC Magdeburg. / Photo: Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
Workers remove the stadium turf with a milling machine in the MDCC-Arena of 1. FC Magdeburg. / Photo: Klaus-Dietmar Gabbert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

The coach of 1. FC Magdeburg, Christian Titz, announces that the pitch will be replaced after the match against FC St. Pauli.

The battered playing surface at Magdeburg's MDCC Arena still has to hold up against second division leaders FC St. Pauli. Then a remedy will be found. "It won't have improved. Our pitch is not in good shape at the moment. But there are also plans to replace it. In all likelihood, it will start after the game against St. Pauli," said coach Christian Titz of 1. FC Magdeburg on Thursday.

He expects a strong Hanseatic team in the home game this Saturday (1:00 pm/Sky). That's why he doesn't want to "let the opponents get into their good build-up play. It will also be important that we have a certain amount of control and possession of the ball in order to lure the opponent and get into the spaces".

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