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Goalkeeper Luthe celebrates comeback at VfL Bochum

Lautern's former goalkeeper Andreas Luthe reacts / Photo: David Inderlied/dpa
Lautern's former goalkeeper Andreas Luthe reacts / Photo: David Inderlied/dpa

The experienced keeper has to step up because three Bochum goalkeepers are not available. The coach has no concerns.

After more than eight years, goalkeeper Andreas Luthe returns to the VfL Bochum team. The 36-year-old will deputize for suspended regular keeper Manuel Riemann in the Bundesliga club's match against RB Leipzig on Saturday (3.30pm/Sky). The two deputies Niclas Thiede (broken finger) and Michael Esser (knee complaints) are missing through injury. "He will be back on the pitch. He is an experienced goalkeeper and will do his job," said VfL head coach Thomas Letsch.

Luthe, who played for VfL as a youth player, has played 169 competitive matches for the Bochum professionals and last stood between the posts of the Revierelf on November 27, 2015. Now Luthe, who signed from 1. FC Kaiserslautern in the winter, is returning to the VfL goal. "Only soccer writes stories like this," commented Letsch. The 18-year-old U19 goalkeeper Hugo Rölleke will sit on the bench.

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