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Situation in Mansfeld-Südharz district relaxed despite thaw

Icicles hang like bone fingers from branches and twigs in the flooded area after the Helme flood. As the situation at the dam and along the Helme is easing, the district of Mansfeld-Südharz is planning to lift the state of emergency. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Icicles hang like bone fingers from branches and twigs in the flooded area after the Helme flood. As the situation at the dam and along the Helme is easing, the district of Mansfeld-Südharz is planning to lift the state of emergency. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

The thaw in Saxony-Anhalt means that people in the Mansfeld-Südharz district are not currently worried about a new flood situation. "The situation is relaxed here and all around," said a spokeswoman for the town of Sangerhausen on Monday when asked by the German Press Agency. Oberröblingen, a district of Sangerhausen, was threatened by the masses of water in the River Helme at the beginning of the year. However, thanks to the efforts of helpers and the German Armed Forces, not a single house in Oberröblingen was flooded, the spokeswoman said.

Other municipalities in the Mansfeld-Südharz district, such as Roßla and Thüringen, were also severely affected by the flooding. Shortly before the end of the year, the Helme burst its banks in places. The district had declared a state of emergency. Around 200 soldiers supported the volunteers on site. On January 12, the district lifted the state of disaster again.

"We are of course looking at the weather forecasts and the meltwater that flows directly into the Helme," said the spokeswoman. She assumed that persistent heavy rain could lead to the situation becoming tense again. "Everything is simply still pretty soggy."

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