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Traffic trial with cycle lanes on the Blue Wonder in Dresden ends prematurely

A cycle path marked in red is applied to the road at the Blaues Wunder Elbe bridge at Schillerplatz / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
A cycle path marked in red is applied to the road at the Blaues Wunder Elbe bridge at Schillerplatz / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The controversial traffic trial with cycle lanes on the Blue Wonder in Dresden is ended prematurely. FDP welcomes end, Greens regret lack of patience. Controversial discussion since the start of the project.

The controversial traffic trial with cycle lanes on the Blue Wonder in Dresden will end prematurely, according to the city council. The FDP parliamentary group in Dresden City Council welcomed the premature end on Tuesday, while the Greens regretted what they saw as a lack of patience with the traffic trial. Several media outlets had previously reported. The city of Dresden wanted to comment on this in the afternoon. The project has been the subject of controversial debate since it began just over a week ago.

"If an experiment doesn't work and paralyzes traffic for motorists as well as for public transport, then it doesn't have to be pushed through at the drop of a hat," said FDP parliamentary group leader Robert Malorny. He hopes that in future "such a hopeless project will not even be started". According to Green Party representative Susanne Krause, traffic jams have already been significantly shortened. "And it is technically undisputed that it takes longer than a week for traffic to regroup."

The new cycle lanes were marked out on the Blaues Wunder on April 7. The traffic trial should run until June 16. The cycle path was actually supposed to be painted red in the fall. This was canceled at short notice due to poor weather forecasts. The project was already controversial in the run-up to the project because a car lane would be removed.

The Blue Wonder is one of the most famous bridges over the Elbe. According to the city, dangerous situations between pedestrians and cyclists had previously occurred there time and again. According to Transport Mayor Stephan Kühn (Greens), the traffic trial was intended to create a safe infrastructure for everyone.

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